Max and Emem followed behind him on the coloured pathway. They were finding it difficult to keep up with Slick, who was glancing back at regular intervals to check on their progress. The pathway seemed to be curved and stretch out to as far as could be seen. Endless, to Max, it seemed to go on till eternity. After all it had been quite a long time walking on this very dull pathway with nothing at all to see. But perhaps they didn't know that eternity is not as long as it is made out to be. It could quite often last for an infinite amount of time, or could just be over in a matter of few seconds, the reasons of which are better known to Time and Eternity. Rumours indicate that they have been having a cold war for quite a while now, and both of them is trying desperately to refute the existence of the other. And it was this minor rivalry that was going to present the travellers with a minor problem.
Slick had sped way ahead of the two, and Max was trying his best to match him for speed.
"Bammmmm!!!!" Suddenly Max walked into an invisible wall of sorts.
Slick quickly turned back. "Ouchhhh," Max was holding his face in pain.
"What the hell did I just hit," Max cried in pain.
Slick rushed back to the spot, and tried to feel the invisible wall. His hand went through the transparent wall, and the wall glowed for a second. A shiver went down his spine.
"Eternity what???" Max still in pain somehow managed to ask.
"Hurry friends we don't have time, eternity recalculation has just begun. Pup you fill him in with the details later, for now just break on through to the other side."
Max gave Slick a puzzled look.
"Just jump through, and hurry up!"
A storm was brewing out of nowhere at this very moment. Chaotic winds were moving in their direction, and the black serene sky now had shades of grey and turbulence. Max took a few step backs and then jumped through the invisible wall. He was hoping to crash through glass or some sort of substance, but instead he felt like his soul had just been electrocuted, burnt and bludgeoned all the same time. Ofcourse it didn't hurt his body, but it you ever have had the same experience with your soul then you would actually understand better (and I would also suggest you to write back to me about the whole incident).
"That was weird," Max was shivering.
"I know, very weird indeed! Let's go now." Slick said.
Emem was slowly making his way through to them too. He didn't have a soul, so that made it easier. Slick was now pulling Max by the hand and making his way across the stretch quickly. Dark winds were gathering behind them, and forming a huge vortex. It stood right there on top of the their heads it seemed spinning violently and pulling everything towards itself. Max was being dragged ferociously by Slick, and Emem had been left far behind by the two. The pathway was breaking into small chunks , like bricks, orange shiny breaks, which were further crumbling into dust behind them. And the orange dust was merging with the vortex, giving it a dark orange shade, which looked very ominous.
Slick dashed across the pathway which was soon reducing behind them. Emem was nowhere to be seen. Was he pulled away by the violent winds or did he fall into the darkness below? I am afraid I did not see that either. A gaint jump, and Max landed on solid ground.
The winds ceased as mysteriously as they had appeared. Max stood up slowly and looked behind him. He could see nothing but darkness as far as possible, while he himself stood on the edge of a narrow stone ledge, which overlooked this darkness. A ledge that had saved them from being a part of this darkness. Emem was lost in the storm. Max stared into the darkness for quite some time, hoping he would see that little thing.
"He's gone.......," finally Slick broke the silence.
"Dunno! Probably got sucked into the eternal sphere."
"Eternal Sphere??"
"Don't know much, they say eternity storms usually pull things into eternity sphere."
"Doesn't anything ever get out of it?"
"Not that I've ever heard of it!"
Now, this last line of Slick's may not be exactly correct. I once met a little mouse who escaped the eternity sphere and he told me all sorts of fabulous stories about the sphere. Stories of how wonderful the place is, with a garden so beautiful, even more so than eden he claimed. Only that its cluttered with all the stuff that has been pulled in every now and then. And of how a young poet is stuck there, writing poems for eternity, under an apple tree which also has a rubber tyre hanging down one of its branches. The mouse also talked fondly about his poem - Eternity Minus a Day, which goes like this some what :
Eternity Minus a Day,
Is not the same as an eternity
Take away a day
And you're left with a little less
A little less to write
A little less to see
And a little less to bear
Mathematically Etenity Minus a Day
Is the same as an eternity
But ask those who are stuck in an eternity
And they will tell you
that eternity minus a day
is eternally shorter than eternity
Even Ouroboros, who is largely preoccupied with eating up his own tail, seems to be fond of the poet, and wouldn't let him get away. The mouse however managed to escape one day while Ouroboros was distracted by the poet. He never told me the exact way out though.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Photographic Memories
Last night I was going through our old family photos after a long time. It was obvious which photos I liked to go back to most. Not the recent ones. Not the ones in the nineties. But the pictures of the 80's. My father always loved taking photographs, he still has one of those polaroid cameras, and we have pictures of him and our home in the 70's too. They look very weird I must admit, guys then seemed to be all thin lanky with long hippy hair and bellbottomed pants.
Of all the places we ever lived in, I think our stay in Riyadh was the best in terms of overall happiness. Cos in Malaysia he started smoking and thats when everything started going wrong for him. And Qatar was were my life started going awefully bad, and I just decided to become invisible. I don't remember anything about Karachi, cos when they left Karachi I was not even 2. But we have lots of photographs of our stay there, and looking back at them makes me wish I could just go back there.

Thats one of the most favourite picture of my parents. I wasn't even born then. The story goes that my parents had gone to the market for some shopping and when they come back they found Vikki, my brother, sleeping in the window. And my father took out the camera and took his pictures. Vikki was always the brat, breaking stuff, breaking rules, hurting himself, and all kinda experimental stuff.

Thats him and me in Karachi. We even had a tape recording of our voices from there, but we were stupid enough to record something over it.
I was only 4-5 when we went to riyadh and around 8 when we came back. So, I have trouble remembering a lot of things there. But a lot of it as clear as crystal. We lived in a 2 floor building, which had six apartments. Ours was on the ground floor. Next doors was another embassy family, and they had two kids, both of our age, the elder one was Nitin and the younger Nikhil. I didn't get along with Nikhil cos he was quite a brat. While Nitin was much more like me. So when we used to play football outside on the road, I always teamed up with Nitin, and Nikhil with Vikki. In the summer vacations we wud have a unsaid competition of whose TV was louder. And then all four of us would get on the bikes, and gather berries from nearby areas. Once, outside some Sheikh's house, Vikki and Nitin were on top of his car, plucking berries handing them down to me and Nikhil, and suddenly the owner of the car came out, and started screaming. So, I just ran on my cycle home with all the berries. And the three of them came back home half an hour later, and I can't really remember what happened after that, but guess they got mad at me.

Thats outside our house, it was a very big road, with hardly any traffic. And thats me, when my brother was teaching me how to ride a bicycle.
The school was there was good too. My best friend in school was Piyush. His mom was our class teacher. We used to talk a lot and she used to make us sit far away. I tried searching him out on orkut, but there are more than a thousand Piyush Sharma's. And I don't really know where he would have gone in life. He was my first best friend I suppose. There was this water tower in the school and had stairs to go to the top. And it was all open kind of. And since I was really scared of heights, I crawled my way up once, after being taunted by my brother and his friends. And it was so scary and then I crawled my way down!!

Thats piyush and me, and the lower picture is me and my bro trying to dig up some treasure I guess.
People tell me that I was a very chirpy and happy kid back then. I could get along with anybody, and I was always laughing and making others laughing. And that I could make a crying person laugh with the things I said. And now I could make a laughing person cry. "And we wake up in the breakdown Of the things we never thought we could be." I don't really know what happened. Seeing those pictures I can see a very happy kid who thought life was a cake walk and he was destined for greatness.

Oh thats me, doing a Bionic Six!! That was one of my favourite cartoons back then.
There was a time when we were having a party at our home, maybe Vikki's birthday party infact. And that night some of the boys were playing football outside, and suddenly someone screamed and called out. Someone had kicked Vikki's hand instead of the ball and he broke his hand!! So party cancelled right in the middle and he rushed to the hospital. He was always running into troubles it seems. But then he had more courage than I had. Like, when our parents would lock us in the house when they went to the market, and we discovered the spare key, so despite me telling him not to, he went outside and actually ran into our parents!! And like how we had this sticker book to fill up, and the stickers came on the side of a juice tetrapack. And he would make us go into the shop and sneak out with the stickers. He actually got caught doing it too, and I think they shopkeeper called our parents. But it wasn't serious or anything then. But maybe that was the start of all further things that happened in years to come, like when he was caught shoplifting in Malaysia, cos he didn't have money to smoke. I wonder if our lives would have been different if all that hadn't happened, and he had never smoked.
As for me I just look at those pictures and wish I had lived up to the expectations of that little kid. And when I or someone else disappoints him, he just behaves so bad that its hard to understand, and it just gets so messed up.

When sorrow becomes my shadow
And grief makes it hard to swallow
A walk down the line,
Of a life left so far behind
Feels like heavenly dew
--Kasturi Rangan (a fellow blogist)
Of all the places we ever lived in, I think our stay in Riyadh was the best in terms of overall happiness. Cos in Malaysia he started smoking and thats when everything started going wrong for him. And Qatar was were my life started going awefully bad, and I just decided to become invisible. I don't remember anything about Karachi, cos when they left Karachi I was not even 2. But we have lots of photographs of our stay there, and looking back at them makes me wish I could just go back there.
Thats one of the most favourite picture of my parents. I wasn't even born then. The story goes that my parents had gone to the market for some shopping and when they come back they found Vikki, my brother, sleeping in the window. And my father took out the camera and took his pictures. Vikki was always the brat, breaking stuff, breaking rules, hurting himself, and all kinda experimental stuff.
Thats him and me in Karachi. We even had a tape recording of our voices from there, but we were stupid enough to record something over it.
I was only 4-5 when we went to riyadh and around 8 when we came back. So, I have trouble remembering a lot of things there. But a lot of it as clear as crystal. We lived in a 2 floor building, which had six apartments. Ours was on the ground floor. Next doors was another embassy family, and they had two kids, both of our age, the elder one was Nitin and the younger Nikhil. I didn't get along with Nikhil cos he was quite a brat. While Nitin was much more like me. So when we used to play football outside on the road, I always teamed up with Nitin, and Nikhil with Vikki. In the summer vacations we wud have a unsaid competition of whose TV was louder. And then all four of us would get on the bikes, and gather berries from nearby areas. Once, outside some Sheikh's house, Vikki and Nitin were on top of his car, plucking berries handing them down to me and Nikhil, and suddenly the owner of the car came out, and started screaming. So, I just ran on my cycle home with all the berries. And the three of them came back home half an hour later, and I can't really remember what happened after that, but guess they got mad at me.
Thats outside our house, it was a very big road, with hardly any traffic. And thats me, when my brother was teaching me how to ride a bicycle.
The school was there was good too. My best friend in school was Piyush. His mom was our class teacher. We used to talk a lot and she used to make us sit far away. I tried searching him out on orkut, but there are more than a thousand Piyush Sharma's. And I don't really know where he would have gone in life. He was my first best friend I suppose. There was this water tower in the school and had stairs to go to the top. And it was all open kind of. And since I was really scared of heights, I crawled my way up once, after being taunted by my brother and his friends. And it was so scary and then I crawled my way down!!
Thats piyush and me, and the lower picture is me and my bro trying to dig up some treasure I guess.
People tell me that I was a very chirpy and happy kid back then. I could get along with anybody, and I was always laughing and making others laughing. And that I could make a crying person laugh with the things I said. And now I could make a laughing person cry. "And we wake up in the breakdown Of the things we never thought we could be." I don't really know what happened. Seeing those pictures I can see a very happy kid who thought life was a cake walk and he was destined for greatness.
Oh thats me, doing a Bionic Six!! That was one of my favourite cartoons back then.
There was a time when we were having a party at our home, maybe Vikki's birthday party infact. And that night some of the boys were playing football outside, and suddenly someone screamed and called out. Someone had kicked Vikki's hand instead of the ball and he broke his hand!! So party cancelled right in the middle and he rushed to the hospital. He was always running into troubles it seems. But then he had more courage than I had. Like, when our parents would lock us in the house when they went to the market, and we discovered the spare key, so despite me telling him not to, he went outside and actually ran into our parents!! And like how we had this sticker book to fill up, and the stickers came on the side of a juice tetrapack. And he would make us go into the shop and sneak out with the stickers. He actually got caught doing it too, and I think they shopkeeper called our parents. But it wasn't serious or anything then. But maybe that was the start of all further things that happened in years to come, like when he was caught shoplifting in Malaysia, cos he didn't have money to smoke. I wonder if our lives would have been different if all that hadn't happened, and he had never smoked.
As for me I just look at those pictures and wish I had lived up to the expectations of that little kid. And when I or someone else disappoints him, he just behaves so bad that its hard to understand, and it just gets so messed up.
When sorrow becomes my shadow
And grief makes it hard to swallow
A walk down the line,
Of a life left so far behind
Feels like heavenly dew
--Kasturi Rangan (a fellow blogist)
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Little Miss Sunshine
I woke up today on a monday morning, dreading to go to ITO for some work, only to discover that today is a government holiday. So, as I sat down in front of the tv, a movie started - Little Miss Sunshine.
An awesome movie, that just lifted me up a lot. And the ending of the movie is just fantastic. Seeing the whole family forget their differences and fears and shame, and jump onto the stage to stand by the little girl is just amazing. And the little girl's attitude was beyond doubt the highlight of the movie. "You're not a loser so long as you try your best."
The movie made me realise about my self created problems. Our time in this world is ridiculously small. And our interaction with most people is so small that they hardly have time to remember us. So should we choose to be ashamed of who we are in front of them, rather that forget about them and enjoy our life to the fullest. We gotta do what we gotta do. And no one else can do it for us. And by being someone we're not we're not going to help ourselves at the end of the day. By standing by ourselves and more importantly the ones we love, without caring about the world, we can achieve a lot more than the other way round.
A beauty pageant not won is not the end of the life, but suppressing our actions could lead to the end of the world....
What you got they can't steal it
No they can't even feel it
walk on, wlk on....
An awesome movie, that just lifted me up a lot. And the ending of the movie is just fantastic. Seeing the whole family forget their differences and fears and shame, and jump onto the stage to stand by the little girl is just amazing. And the little girl's attitude was beyond doubt the highlight of the movie. "You're not a loser so long as you try your best."
The movie made me realise about my self created problems. Our time in this world is ridiculously small. And our interaction with most people is so small that they hardly have time to remember us. So should we choose to be ashamed of who we are in front of them, rather that forget about them and enjoy our life to the fullest. We gotta do what we gotta do. And no one else can do it for us. And by being someone we're not we're not going to help ourselves at the end of the day. By standing by ourselves and more importantly the ones we love, without caring about the world, we can achieve a lot more than the other way round.
A beauty pageant not won is not the end of the life, but suppressing our actions could lead to the end of the world....
What you got they can't steal it
No they can't even feel it
walk on, wlk on....
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Dusty Remains of a Weblog
For whom, it suddenly occurred to him to wonder, was he writing this diary? For the future, for the unborn.His mind hovered for a moment round the doubtful date on the page, and then fetched up with a bump against the Newspeak word doublethink. For the first time the magnitude of what he had undertaken came home to him. How could you communicate with the future? It was of its nature impossible. Either the future would resemble the present, in which case it would not listen to him: or it would be different from it, and his predicament would be meaningless. (From 1984 by George Orwell)
Very recently, when I was googling for the words - I wasn't jumping for me it was a fall, a very very interesting blog came up on the search list. A deserted blog infact. Deserted on 20th july 2006. And the last line of that blog just echoed what this paragraph from 1984 says.
It’s been more than four years now. I see no point in carrying on with online journalling. In time to come, I will perhaps talk about all this on a Sunday afternoon. But the time has come for us to just say goodbye. No more ’see you’s or ‘cheers’ or ‘later’ because there will not be anymore. And perhaps in time to come, you too, dear reader, will realise the futility and vanity of all this.
Very haunting yet bitterly true words which I am slowly understanding. The whole blog was a very interesting one. And one that seemed very familiar. There is no email or no other link, I would have loved to have talked to the person once. I picked up a very interesting idea from his blog, which I will give him full credit of, once and if ever I finish my story.
I collect my memories like little gems - blues, greens, reds, purples, ambers, and other colours that lay nestled in my mind, and for the most precious ones, in my heart.
The person was an avid U2 fan, and it is a U2 song lyric that brought me to his page. I listened to the song - Walk On, after reading part of the lyrics from his blog, and its a fantastic song too.
But there was so much that felt like deja vu on that blog. His entry on 31st May,2006 read
Down the rabbit hole… how far will I go?
And if I could, I would never come home.
Ipso facto
Using up your oxygen, you know i’m shallow
Calling out for extra help
You’ve got to let me in or let me out
Now that was really odd! Very very odd!
And then 30th May, 2006
Most times, I am overflowing with thoughts, with a large majority of them being very dark and unsuitable for coffee shop conversations. And in those moments, I truly feel like I can’t belong. Like I’m lying on the fringes of society, not wanting to belong, and not being allowed to belong anyway. Perhaps that’s why I find the notion of being in transit, constantly on the move, unsettled, and uprooted rather comforting. Sure I miss the familiar faces, and the same ‘ol same ‘ol things of home, but I just can’t shrug off that feeling of I don’t belong here.
Thats what I feel most of the times. People misunderstand this feeling by thinking that I am trying to run away or not trying to learn how to fly by jumping. But thats not the point, its just like that line again - I wasn't jumping for me it was a fall, a long way down to nothing at all. But we'll keep the discussion to this blog.
There was a lot of soccer blogs too, the person was a bigtime soccer fan. And some family blogs and general travel blogs. The person had probably travelled a lot and it was connected to his work or study maybe.
I find myself sitting awake in front of the computer screen. With the lingering thoughts of a cold night by the river. We don’t talk much these days, me and my antithesis.
And we wake up in the breakdown
Of the things we never thought we could be
Antithesis is the completely opposite part of you. Like Yin and Yang. Sort of like your alter ego. When you shut that other person inside you, I think you achieve a sort of a feeling of No feeling. That antithesis brings in unrest, and when you are finally not talking to him, then maybe you could be thinking more clearly.
There are a few short stories here and there in the blog too. I felt that those were clearly inspired from personal events in life rather than just being fictional.
I am in a state of suspension now. Just so tired of having to think so much, and yet, there is too much to sort out. Like a computer that hasn’t been defragmented for the longest time. I just wished I had a boat to sail out to sea. And never come back
When I am in a bus, I just love staring out of the window and wishing that this bus ride wouldnt ever end and I wouldnt have to get down for a destination, and I could just be seated right there and the bus would keep going and going. I am suspended on a chair right now with my leg on the computer table, and I've been writing for the last 2 hours. I can keep this going all night.
But the question fisherkid and 1984 pose is who am I doing this for? For myself? Yes thats how I started it. And then maybe I lost a purpose of the whole thing. I do have a story to finish, lots of ideas flowing inside my head, and lots of characters, and lots of lines floating. Could I just finish the story before I leave home. Maybe I will eventually find my wings now....
Very recently, when I was googling for the words - I wasn't jumping for me it was a fall, a very very interesting blog came up on the search list. A deserted blog infact. Deserted on 20th july 2006. And the last line of that blog just echoed what this paragraph from 1984 says.
It’s been more than four years now. I see no point in carrying on with online journalling. In time to come, I will perhaps talk about all this on a Sunday afternoon. But the time has come for us to just say goodbye. No more ’see you’s or ‘cheers’ or ‘later’ because there will not be anymore. And perhaps in time to come, you too, dear reader, will realise the futility and vanity of all this.
Very haunting yet bitterly true words which I am slowly understanding. The whole blog was a very interesting one. And one that seemed very familiar. There is no email or no other link, I would have loved to have talked to the person once. I picked up a very interesting idea from his blog, which I will give him full credit of, once and if ever I finish my story.
I collect my memories like little gems - blues, greens, reds, purples, ambers, and other colours that lay nestled in my mind, and for the most precious ones, in my heart.
The person was an avid U2 fan, and it is a U2 song lyric that brought me to his page. I listened to the song - Walk On, after reading part of the lyrics from his blog, and its a fantastic song too.
But there was so much that felt like deja vu on that blog. His entry on 31st May,2006 read
Down the rabbit hole… how far will I go?
And if I could, I would never come home.
Ipso facto
Using up your oxygen, you know i’m shallow
Calling out for extra help
You’ve got to let me in or let me out
Now that was really odd! Very very odd!
And then 30th May, 2006
Most times, I am overflowing with thoughts, with a large majority of them being very dark and unsuitable for coffee shop conversations. And in those moments, I truly feel like I can’t belong. Like I’m lying on the fringes of society, not wanting to belong, and not being allowed to belong anyway. Perhaps that’s why I find the notion of being in transit, constantly on the move, unsettled, and uprooted rather comforting. Sure I miss the familiar faces, and the same ‘ol same ‘ol things of home, but I just can’t shrug off that feeling of I don’t belong here.
Thats what I feel most of the times. People misunderstand this feeling by thinking that I am trying to run away or not trying to learn how to fly by jumping. But thats not the point, its just like that line again - I wasn't jumping for me it was a fall, a long way down to nothing at all. But we'll keep the discussion to this blog.
There was a lot of soccer blogs too, the person was a bigtime soccer fan. And some family blogs and general travel blogs. The person had probably travelled a lot and it was connected to his work or study maybe.
I find myself sitting awake in front of the computer screen. With the lingering thoughts of a cold night by the river. We don’t talk much these days, me and my antithesis.
And we wake up in the breakdown
Of the things we never thought we could be
Antithesis is the completely opposite part of you. Like Yin and Yang. Sort of like your alter ego. When you shut that other person inside you, I think you achieve a sort of a feeling of No feeling. That antithesis brings in unrest, and when you are finally not talking to him, then maybe you could be thinking more clearly.
There are a few short stories here and there in the blog too. I felt that those were clearly inspired from personal events in life rather than just being fictional.
I am in a state of suspension now. Just so tired of having to think so much, and yet, there is too much to sort out. Like a computer that hasn’t been defragmented for the longest time. I just wished I had a boat to sail out to sea. And never come back
When I am in a bus, I just love staring out of the window and wishing that this bus ride wouldnt ever end and I wouldnt have to get down for a destination, and I could just be seated right there and the bus would keep going and going. I am suspended on a chair right now with my leg on the computer table, and I've been writing for the last 2 hours. I can keep this going all night.
But the question fisherkid and 1984 pose is who am I doing this for? For myself? Yes thats how I started it. And then maybe I lost a purpose of the whole thing. I do have a story to finish, lots of ideas flowing inside my head, and lots of characters, and lots of lines floating. Could I just finish the story before I leave home. Maybe I will eventually find my wings now....
The Traveller Lost - Part III
The hand remained suspended in the air with no takers.
"Err, oh I see," and the shade began transforming into a humanoid figure, all black but with eyes and a mouth and two hands and two legs. "So, lets do it one more time. Hi, I'm Slick," and it extended its hand once more.
Max tentatively moved his hand up to shake hands with the shade. When the hands met he felt like he touched solid frozen ice right from Antarctica, but ofcourse he had no clue what Antarctica was.
"Ouch! That's cold!"
"Sure it is kiddo, that's cos its the right hand. You wanna shake hands with the left hand?"
"No! No no no! Its fine, its perfectly fine."
"And how are you doing little pup," the shade tapped on the top of the head (?) of Emem.
"Excuse me? Pup? My name is Emem," Emem seeked to clarify.
"Yeah yeah, Emem pup. Ok right, we don't have a lot of time, let's get going," the shade grabbed Max's arm and started to pull him forward.
"But where are we going?" Max tried to stop him.
"To get back your memories! What else? Let's go, no time to waste."
"Excuse me, how would you know where the memories are?" Emem called out from behind.
"Ofcourse I do, listen lets start walking and I'll tell ya everything on the way."
"The way to......" Emem questioned once more.
"Pup! You're getting on my nerves. Listen! Max's memories have been taken to the central processing center for disposal."
"Disposal!!!!!!" Max screamed.
"Yeah cos apparently there was no one to claim them, so..."
"And why would you want to help us out?" Emem was eyeing the shade skeptically.
"Oh come on, can't I help a lost person? Does that sound so evil? Ok fine, you can go on your own."
No one said a word. A second passed, two seconds, three seconds passed.
"Ok right! Something of mine was also in this chamber and they took that too, so I have to go there to retrieve it."
"Something yours, but..." Emem started to question once more.
"Listen Pup! I ain't answering any of your question. Since neither of you know the way, just quietly follow me. Ok!"
The shade then drifted out of the chamber through the door. Max looked at Emem.
"What say you?"
"I don't trust him, something is wrong. I must tell you that as a rule, in a memory chamber all the contents belong to you and only you. Then how can something his be here?"
"I dunno! But I say lets just follow him, atleast he will lead me to my memories," Max said and walked out of the door too, and was quickly followed by Emem.
As they stepped out, they discovered that it wasn't the same outside the door as it had been when they entered it. They were standing on an illuminated pathway that seemed to branch into numerous directions. The musty overhead roof had disappeared, and was now filled with darkness all around, clearly distinguishable from the light of the pathway.
"So wisecrack, can you do it on your own now?" Slick had a shot at Emem.
Emem seemed to mumble something incomprehensible, maybe a foul robot words which I am unaware of.
"Ok lets see," Slick took out a map from inside him, and started studying it with great intensity.
"Right it's the 2rd, then the 3rd and then the 5th passage."
"Uhunnn...." Max nodded.
"You follow that Pup, store it up in case you forget," Slick had a rise smile on his face. And Emem was hating every moment of Slick's company.
Slick, who seemed to be hovering just a centimetre above the floor, drifted forward towards the second pathway from the left. As he reached the start of the pathway, it illuminated further and changed its colour to orange. Slick paused and his shoulders and head dropped.
"Feel like dancing under a rainbow,
Feel like singing happy songs,
But my rainbow, no my rainbow,
won't shine for me."
Max and Emem stared at him with utter disbelief. What was this they were witnessing, a shadow was muttering poetry! A site to behold I must say. I thought I saw a tear roll down the cheek too, but I won't vouch for it.
"Oh come on hurry up," Slick suddenly alerted from his emotional state ordered, "Damn! This place always makes me feel sick!" And he hurried along the orange pathway.
"Err, oh I see," and the shade began transforming into a humanoid figure, all black but with eyes and a mouth and two hands and two legs. "So, lets do it one more time. Hi, I'm Slick," and it extended its hand once more.
Max tentatively moved his hand up to shake hands with the shade. When the hands met he felt like he touched solid frozen ice right from Antarctica, but ofcourse he had no clue what Antarctica was.
"Ouch! That's cold!"
"Sure it is kiddo, that's cos its the right hand. You wanna shake hands with the left hand?"
"No! No no no! Its fine, its perfectly fine."
"And how are you doing little pup," the shade tapped on the top of the head (?) of Emem.
"Excuse me? Pup? My name is Emem," Emem seeked to clarify.
"Yeah yeah, Emem pup. Ok right, we don't have a lot of time, let's get going," the shade grabbed Max's arm and started to pull him forward.
"But where are we going?" Max tried to stop him.
"To get back your memories! What else? Let's go, no time to waste."
"Excuse me, how would you know where the memories are?" Emem called out from behind.
"Ofcourse I do, listen lets start walking and I'll tell ya everything on the way."
"The way to......" Emem questioned once more.
"Pup! You're getting on my nerves. Listen! Max's memories have been taken to the central processing center for disposal."
"Disposal!!!!!!" Max screamed.
"Yeah cos apparently there was no one to claim them, so..."
"And why would you want to help us out?" Emem was eyeing the shade skeptically.
"Oh come on, can't I help a lost person? Does that sound so evil? Ok fine, you can go on your own."
No one said a word. A second passed, two seconds, three seconds passed.
"Ok right! Something of mine was also in this chamber and they took that too, so I have to go there to retrieve it."
"Something yours, but..." Emem started to question once more.
"Listen Pup! I ain't answering any of your question. Since neither of you know the way, just quietly follow me. Ok!"
The shade then drifted out of the chamber through the door. Max looked at Emem.
"What say you?"
"I don't trust him, something is wrong. I must tell you that as a rule, in a memory chamber all the contents belong to you and only you. Then how can something his be here?"
"I dunno! But I say lets just follow him, atleast he will lead me to my memories," Max said and walked out of the door too, and was quickly followed by Emem.
As they stepped out, they discovered that it wasn't the same outside the door as it had been when they entered it. They were standing on an illuminated pathway that seemed to branch into numerous directions. The musty overhead roof had disappeared, and was now filled with darkness all around, clearly distinguishable from the light of the pathway.
"So wisecrack, can you do it on your own now?" Slick had a shot at Emem.
Emem seemed to mumble something incomprehensible, maybe a foul robot words which I am unaware of.
"Ok lets see," Slick took out a map from inside him, and started studying it with great intensity.
"Right it's the 2rd, then the 3rd and then the 5th passage."
"Uhunnn...." Max nodded.
"You follow that Pup, store it up in case you forget," Slick had a rise smile on his face. And Emem was hating every moment of Slick's company.
Slick, who seemed to be hovering just a centimetre above the floor, drifted forward towards the second pathway from the left. As he reached the start of the pathway, it illuminated further and changed its colour to orange. Slick paused and his shoulders and head dropped.
"Feel like dancing under a rainbow,
Feel like singing happy songs,
But my rainbow, no my rainbow,
won't shine for me."
Max and Emem stared at him with utter disbelief. What was this they were witnessing, a shadow was muttering poetry! A site to behold I must say. I thought I saw a tear roll down the cheek too, but I won't vouch for it.
"Oh come on hurry up," Slick suddenly alerted from his emotional state ordered, "Damn! This place always makes me feel sick!" And he hurried along the orange pathway.
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
My First Interview
I had never given an interview in my life before. I got my articleship job without an interview because my cousin had done his articleship from that firm too, and he just introduced me to them and they asked me to come from monday.
So, today, well the night was really horrible and I hardly slept. Not cos of the interview but something else. I reached the auditorium where the campus interviews were to take place by 9am, an hour before the interview, but many others came even before me! So just about then an sms came which kinda gave me a lot of mental relief and I cud finally smile there.
So, TCS had shortlisted just 39 candidates, the least by any company there. They held a written test on the 4th where there were around 200 candidates, and they shortlisted only 39. I was the first to reach their interview place. Nobody had come. Not even the TCS people. So I just went to the Indian Oil interview place, my other interview slotted for the day. There the interviews had started but I just wanted to get into TCS more, so I came back downstairs to the TCS room.
As I waited there, other kids came in, and for a change I smilingly talked to most of them. There was this very smily girl that I sort of helped out, I even ran into her later after the interview. I chatted with most of there. There was one girl from my GMCS batch, and there was one guy who was sitting infront of me on the test day. Then the TCS people came after a while, they were 5. After taking some time, around 20 minutes, they split up into two teams of 3 and 2 in the large board room, outside which all of us were waiting. Since me and a girl were closest to the door, they asked us to go in first. She went to the group of 2 men (they looked real mean), and I went to group of 3 with a pretty lady and 2 men.
So, the lady asked me to sit down, while I was already in the process of sitting down. And then she asked me how I was, which I was completely unprepared for. I stuttered and replied I am fine and asked the question back. I can't remember if she replied it. So, technically her first question was - tell me something about yourself? So, I had rehearsed this one, and I started on the same lines, but in the middle she had a confusion with my college period and articleship period clashing so she stopped me right there. I clarified the thing to her that I was on leave for the first two months of my training for my final year exams. Then came lots of questions and I didn't handle them really well. Like
1.Are you comfortable with Accounting Standards? Yes.
Ok, tell me something about AS - 22.
I went - AS-22?!? (In all the AS they had to ask this one (but it was better than asking AS-15 which I had absolutely no clue about)) And then I start stopped to tell a few lines which weren't encouraging.
So, she modified the question to - Ok, what is a deferred tax asset?
Damn! Cruel people! Now not only me, I am sure most kids would be confused between a DT Asset and a DT liability, especially if the last time they saw these words were way back in May 2007. So, I started and she interrupted, and then I started again. Then it finally click inside my head what it was. So, I composed myself and said - Sorry could I start over again. And then I explained it in the right way.
The person on her right was giving me villainous looks. Yes! He was the villain in question. But it was still her questioning.
2.I see from ur CV that you've done a lot of audit work. You haven't done any internal audits? - No.
3.Were you involved alone in the audits?
Yes, Mainly alone. And then she started saying something, but I interrupted anyway to say - But in the last year I had subordinates under me for audit work. And I was sort of a team leader. (What kind of line was that - "sort of"! A bell rang inside me, but luckily it didnt ring inside them :) )
4.So what was the team size? Maximum 3, we had a small staff (completely honest)
5.You've done audits of charitable trusts, so what are the specific provisions in that?
Now this is where I started using the words Actually, really, mainly, all words that I was told to avoid in an interview. So I started with something else and then I jumped in between to anonymous donations and then finished up with a section I wasn't really sure of, and I am sure she wasn't aware of either.
6.Tell us about TDS?
This one I handled really well I think.
Now the left guy who was largely invisible till now jumped in.
7.Are you comfortable with financial management? I could'nt even hear him, so I asked him to repeat, which he did, and I replied yes. So, he asked about derivatives?
Now, this is where that telephonic conversation 2 days back with Taruna was really beneficial. She got into TCS 6 months back and she told me what kind of questions they had asked. And derivatives was one of them. I was ready for it. And I kinda pounced on it - Yeah sure, so derivatives are blah blah blah.
Now, he goes on to ask - what are the types of derivatives? I answer it as options, futures, and I go on to say forwards (not sure).
So, he asks whats the difference between a future and a forward?
Now I knew the answer to that but I forgot a word, which I also happen to be forgetting right now, ummm - "standardised" Yeah! So I was to say - Futures are standardised Forwards. But I lost that word so I repeated that line with all kind of funny synonyms 3 times and still couldnt find the word. So I changed it all together to say something else which was true as well. The guy didnt look convinced but the lady nodded her head to say that would do.
8. Ok now the lady asked me if I had done any specific computer programmes? I said No (I said NO??)
But the guy on the right who was the villain so far, jumped in between as said - you have written in ur CV that you know C & C++. Oh yeah, I know that. So then they asked me lots of computer questions which I did ok with.
But then the villain gave me an opportunity to do something that I am sure got me the job. He bacame the ultimate hero by asking me to write a program in C to add two numbers!!! You kidding me right, thats like a dream come true! Thats as easy as drinking water, no even easier than that. I was like - oh yeah, gimme a paper, sure thing. I quickly scribbled the program, which he took and didnt give an expression. Ofocurse it was right, I could right those if you woke me up at 2am in the night.
9.Then the villain goes on to ask my weakness?
Well I was honest, I said - I can sometimes be impatient with people. (Example - this week). SO, he asked what I was going to do about it? And I had a big smile on my face - I am going to try to be more patient.
10.Then he also asked me about the company? I told them that TCS was the biggest software company in Asia. Then he asked me if I knew what the turnover of TCS is?
I said - I am not sure but I think its $50 billion. He had a hint of a smile - It's only $5 Billion!! Whatever, so what I only added a zero right!
And then he asked if I knew the total number of employees of TCS? Yeah! Wiki to the rescue, 110000+ .
Then he asked if I was ready to go anywhere into India, and I said Yeah I was, except mumbai. And then he tried convincing me for mumbai and I tried explaining why I wont go there. Then I said that if u give me an accomodation there then I wouldnt mind going. He said he can't do that ofcourse.
So, that was the first round of interview and they asked me to go outside. I didnt realise it took almost 25-30 minutes. And all the kids outside jumped on me - what are they asking? what were u writing? are they making us do sums in there? And I patiently replied each one completely honestly truthfully.
Then after 5 minutes, a guy from inside gave me a form to fill up. I had cleared the first round. So, as soon as I gave back the form, they called me in for the second round.
There was a 6th person, a girl, who was doing this round. So, she mainly asked me stuff about my family, and my hobbies, and about the job. And then she asked me if I was open to relocation? I said I am ready to go anywhere except mumbai? Reason being the accomodation. And she said that she wouldn't commit but she would try that I don't get mumbai. And yeah she also asked I question which I was the most satisfied to reply calmly. She asked which college I had gone to? Just a couple of weeks back, I had dogded that question by saying that I never went to college, cos all the other people were from really good colleges. But today I just said it so calmly and I didn't give it a damn. I was really happy at that. So then she gave a paper to sign, that I won't be attending any more interviews. Which I didn't think about and immediately signed. And then she said - Congratulations you are part of TCS now.
She also told me that I would be attending a training programme of 17 days (most likely in Trivandrum) very soon. And other stuff that I didnt really listen to, like the pay package and all.
So, it was pretty good all together. I got a job and I think it wasn't really CA that got me the job, but 'C' rather. But CA got me into that interview room. And I would have to sign a two year service agreement, which the kids outside said I should have protested against. Why? I am not changing jobs for atleast 3-5 years. I am there to stay, so I don't mind. By then they had rejected 5 kids and I didn't see anyone else selected, so I decided to leave for home. On the way out I ran into that smily girl and she was still all smiles. And she still had to give her interview so I wished her luck and said hope to see you in TCS too. And well yeah I left for home.
Oh yeah, that guy from Sagar! He's going to UAE. Cool! He got selected by a company from UAE and they are giving him 11 lakhs. Wow! He's a pretty nice guy to deserve that. He was really nervous about the whole thing too, really glad for him. I would have loved to go to UAE too, but they didn't shortlist me. Anyway, so I am hoping that TCS would send me far away from delhi like Hyderabad or chennai or bangalore or anywhere. Lets see what happens. But whatever I do, I would just stay miles away from Orkut, which causes me nothing but harm all the time. And when I finally get into work which could be by the starting of May, I just hope I would be out of here.
So, today, well the night was really horrible and I hardly slept. Not cos of the interview but something else. I reached the auditorium where the campus interviews were to take place by 9am, an hour before the interview, but many others came even before me! So just about then an sms came which kinda gave me a lot of mental relief and I cud finally smile there.
So, TCS had shortlisted just 39 candidates, the least by any company there. They held a written test on the 4th where there were around 200 candidates, and they shortlisted only 39. I was the first to reach their interview place. Nobody had come. Not even the TCS people. So I just went to the Indian Oil interview place, my other interview slotted for the day. There the interviews had started but I just wanted to get into TCS more, so I came back downstairs to the TCS room.
As I waited there, other kids came in, and for a change I smilingly talked to most of them. There was this very smily girl that I sort of helped out, I even ran into her later after the interview. I chatted with most of there. There was one girl from my GMCS batch, and there was one guy who was sitting infront of me on the test day. Then the TCS people came after a while, they were 5. After taking some time, around 20 minutes, they split up into two teams of 3 and 2 in the large board room, outside which all of us were waiting. Since me and a girl were closest to the door, they asked us to go in first. She went to the group of 2 men (they looked real mean), and I went to group of 3 with a pretty lady and 2 men.
So, the lady asked me to sit down, while I was already in the process of sitting down. And then she asked me how I was, which I was completely unprepared for. I stuttered and replied I am fine and asked the question back. I can't remember if she replied it. So, technically her first question was - tell me something about yourself? So, I had rehearsed this one, and I started on the same lines, but in the middle she had a confusion with my college period and articleship period clashing so she stopped me right there. I clarified the thing to her that I was on leave for the first two months of my training for my final year exams. Then came lots of questions and I didn't handle them really well. Like
1.Are you comfortable with Accounting Standards? Yes.
Ok, tell me something about AS - 22.
I went - AS-22?!? (In all the AS they had to ask this one (but it was better than asking AS-15 which I had absolutely no clue about)) And then I start stopped to tell a few lines which weren't encouraging.
So, she modified the question to - Ok, what is a deferred tax asset?
Damn! Cruel people! Now not only me, I am sure most kids would be confused between a DT Asset and a DT liability, especially if the last time they saw these words were way back in May 2007. So, I started and she interrupted, and then I started again. Then it finally click inside my head what it was. So, I composed myself and said - Sorry could I start over again. And then I explained it in the right way.
The person on her right was giving me villainous looks. Yes! He was the villain in question. But it was still her questioning.
2.I see from ur CV that you've done a lot of audit work. You haven't done any internal audits? - No.
3.Were you involved alone in the audits?
Yes, Mainly alone. And then she started saying something, but I interrupted anyway to say - But in the last year I had subordinates under me for audit work. And I was sort of a team leader. (What kind of line was that - "sort of"! A bell rang inside me, but luckily it didnt ring inside them :) )
4.So what was the team size? Maximum 3, we had a small staff (completely honest)
5.You've done audits of charitable trusts, so what are the specific provisions in that?
Now this is where I started using the words Actually, really, mainly, all words that I was told to avoid in an interview. So I started with something else and then I jumped in between to anonymous donations and then finished up with a section I wasn't really sure of, and I am sure she wasn't aware of either.
6.Tell us about TDS?
This one I handled really well I think.
Now the left guy who was largely invisible till now jumped in.
7.Are you comfortable with financial management? I could'nt even hear him, so I asked him to repeat, which he did, and I replied yes. So, he asked about derivatives?
Now, this is where that telephonic conversation 2 days back with Taruna was really beneficial. She got into TCS 6 months back and she told me what kind of questions they had asked. And derivatives was one of them. I was ready for it. And I kinda pounced on it - Yeah sure, so derivatives are blah blah blah.
Now, he goes on to ask - what are the types of derivatives? I answer it as options, futures, and I go on to say forwards (not sure).
So, he asks whats the difference between a future and a forward?
Now I knew the answer to that but I forgot a word, which I also happen to be forgetting right now, ummm - "standardised" Yeah! So I was to say - Futures are standardised Forwards. But I lost that word so I repeated that line with all kind of funny synonyms 3 times and still couldnt find the word. So I changed it all together to say something else which was true as well. The guy didnt look convinced but the lady nodded her head to say that would do.
8. Ok now the lady asked me if I had done any specific computer programmes? I said No (I said NO??)
But the guy on the right who was the villain so far, jumped in between as said - you have written in ur CV that you know C & C++. Oh yeah, I know that. So then they asked me lots of computer questions which I did ok with.
But then the villain gave me an opportunity to do something that I am sure got me the job. He bacame the ultimate hero by asking me to write a program in C to add two numbers!!! You kidding me right, thats like a dream come true! Thats as easy as drinking water, no even easier than that. I was like - oh yeah, gimme a paper, sure thing. I quickly scribbled the program, which he took and didnt give an expression. Ofocurse it was right, I could right those if you woke me up at 2am in the night.
9.Then the villain goes on to ask my weakness?
Well I was honest, I said - I can sometimes be impatient with people. (Example - this week). SO, he asked what I was going to do about it? And I had a big smile on my face - I am going to try to be more patient.
10.Then he also asked me about the company? I told them that TCS was the biggest software company in Asia. Then he asked me if I knew what the turnover of TCS is?
I said - I am not sure but I think its $50 billion. He had a hint of a smile - It's only $5 Billion!! Whatever, so what I only added a zero right!
And then he asked if I knew the total number of employees of TCS? Yeah! Wiki to the rescue, 110000+ .
Then he asked if I was ready to go anywhere into India, and I said Yeah I was, except mumbai. And then he tried convincing me for mumbai and I tried explaining why I wont go there. Then I said that if u give me an accomodation there then I wouldnt mind going. He said he can't do that ofcourse.
So, that was the first round of interview and they asked me to go outside. I didnt realise it took almost 25-30 minutes. And all the kids outside jumped on me - what are they asking? what were u writing? are they making us do sums in there? And I patiently replied each one completely honestly truthfully.
Then after 5 minutes, a guy from inside gave me a form to fill up. I had cleared the first round. So, as soon as I gave back the form, they called me in for the second round.
There was a 6th person, a girl, who was doing this round. So, she mainly asked me stuff about my family, and my hobbies, and about the job. And then she asked me if I was open to relocation? I said I am ready to go anywhere except mumbai? Reason being the accomodation. And she said that she wouldn't commit but she would try that I don't get mumbai. And yeah she also asked I question which I was the most satisfied to reply calmly. She asked which college I had gone to? Just a couple of weeks back, I had dogded that question by saying that I never went to college, cos all the other people were from really good colleges. But today I just said it so calmly and I didn't give it a damn. I was really happy at that. So then she gave a paper to sign, that I won't be attending any more interviews. Which I didn't think about and immediately signed. And then she said - Congratulations you are part of TCS now.
She also told me that I would be attending a training programme of 17 days (most likely in Trivandrum) very soon. And other stuff that I didnt really listen to, like the pay package and all.
So, it was pretty good all together. I got a job and I think it wasn't really CA that got me the job, but 'C' rather. But CA got me into that interview room. And I would have to sign a two year service agreement, which the kids outside said I should have protested against. Why? I am not changing jobs for atleast 3-5 years. I am there to stay, so I don't mind. By then they had rejected 5 kids and I didn't see anyone else selected, so I decided to leave for home. On the way out I ran into that smily girl and she was still all smiles. And she still had to give her interview so I wished her luck and said hope to see you in TCS too. And well yeah I left for home.
Oh yeah, that guy from Sagar! He's going to UAE. Cool! He got selected by a company from UAE and they are giving him 11 lakhs. Wow! He's a pretty nice guy to deserve that. He was really nervous about the whole thing too, really glad for him. I would have loved to go to UAE too, but they didn't shortlist me. Anyway, so I am hoping that TCS would send me far away from delhi like Hyderabad or chennai or bangalore or anywhere. Lets see what happens. But whatever I do, I would just stay miles away from Orkut, which causes me nothing but harm all the time. And when I finally get into work which could be by the starting of May, I just hope I would be out of here.
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
The Traveller Lost - Part II
(refer Part I for the starting)
"Oh oh, that's a big problem," Emem said in deep thought.
"Is it?" Max had no clue as to what a big problem was.
"SECTOR 5!!!!"
"Sector 5????"
"Yes! Sector 5!! That's where we have to go."
"What's Sector 5."
"You seriously don't know what Sector 5 is??"
Max was extremely annoyed at this question. First of all he was here stuck in a world (if you would choose to call it that) that seemed completely alien, and he was in the company of a creature he was sure he hadn't witnessed before, even if his memory came back, and on top of that he was continuously being asked rhetorical questions.
He drew a deep breath and said, "Look can't you just answer my questions."
"That would be appropriate, would'nt it. I'll take note of that."
As animatedly as Max had taken in the breath, he deflated - "Thank youuuuu."
"Oh oh, that's a big problem," Emem said in deep thought.
"Is it?" Max had no clue as to what a big problem was.
"SECTOR 5!!!!"
"Sector 5????"
"Yes! Sector 5!! That's where we have to go."
"What's Sector 5."
"You seriously don't know what Sector 5 is??"
Max was extremely annoyed at this question. First of all he was here stuck in a world (if you would choose to call it that) that seemed completely alien, and he was in the company of a creature he was sure he hadn't witnessed before, even if his memory came back, and on top of that he was continuously being asked rhetorical questions.
He drew a deep breath and said, "Look can't you just answer my questions."
"That would be appropriate, would'nt it. I'll take note of that."
As animatedly as Max had taken in the breath, he deflated - "Thank youuuuu."
"Sector 5 is where the memories are stocked, that's where we should go. We'll just have to report a case of missing memories and everything should be fixed in no time."
"You know, thats the first sensible thing I've heard all mor..... wait..... is it morning or night ....waitt.... what's morning or night like?"
Emem spun his head in a complete 360, twice actually, "You know I'm just a simple music playing machine, but now I wish I had got that degree on human stuff. You want to hear a song on night to get an idea of what's it like?"
Before Max could say yes or no (a no was more likely), a dark haunting music started to play, followed by a deep brooding voice
Take the highway to the end of the night
End of the night, end of the night
Take a journey to the bright midnight
End of the night, end of the night
Gosh! Max was really spooked by the song combined with his eerie surroundings. Pop...Wheels popped out below Emem and it started to move forward along, the only direction possible I suppose. Max quietly followed the tin can. The song kept repeating again and again, and Max had gotten used to the sudden jump in the voice at a particular part of the song, which had at first spooked him.
However, little did these two know that they were being closely watched and followed by another strange wanderer, a shade actually, not of the colour blue, but black rather. But it would be unfair on my part to divulge his intentions at this stage.
So after some time, which wasn't that long at all, maybe around 59 minutes of walking in the only direction possible, sometimes going up, sometimes down, sometimes curving to the left, and sometimes to the right, they arrived at a door. A very ordinary looking worn down wooden door, on the right side of the corridor.
"Don't be surprised at the size of this place. It keeps expanding as new memories come in." Emem informed Max.
"How come I lost my memories?"
"Emmmm! Well that happens sometimes, you feel a little foggy right? They will fix up that fog and you will be out of here in no time. Ok now, turn that knob."
Max nodded, and slowly turned the rusted metal knob. The door opened with a mild creak, and Lo Presto! They stood in a gigantic hall !! Which apparently had no walls. And also happened to be completely empty. A hollow sound of wind was audible, but there was no wind blowing inside. Max looked left, looked right, looked up and then straight at Emem. Emem did exactly the same as well. So now they were staring at each other without a clue as to what had happened.
"Quite a big place," Max said sarcastically.
"I don't understand, this is where the memories are supposed to be. This is an anomaly."
"Anomaly ganomaly, I want my memories right now," Max broke down and thumped into the ground.
Somethings happen in life for a apparent reason. Others happen for no apparent reason. And yet there are some other things that happen which are not even closely related to the farthest cousin of Reason. Those are the things that actually run this galaxy and the universe and all of us. Would that imply fate? Nope, Fate is actually an old man that does have a room in this corridor, and all he does is circulate rumours. This other power is far stronger and it at work even as you are reading this stupid little paragraph.
You've got to get yourself together
You've got stuck in a moment and now you can't get out of it
Don't say that later will be better now you're stuck in a moment
And you can't get out of it
Emem's emergency response to this critical situation was resulting in a song blaring in this huge hall, and the sound was reverberating in the hall, making it more so unbearable.
"STOP ITTTTTT," screamed Max with his hands on his ears.
Silence. Complete silence.
Shhhhhhhh.... a strange sound from nowhere. Shhhhhhhhhh..... some more sound. Max thought he must be imagining sounds now.
More mysterious things in this strange land. Now I am thinking what isnt mysterious in this land? I bet even Max is wondering where this story is leading? Does the writer have any idea how is he going to pull this off. I assure you he doesnt.
Anyway, so Max looked at Emem for the origin of this sound. Emem shrugged his shoulders as to say - 'That wasn't me boss' (oh yes he has tiny little shoulders that can be shrugged).
"Hey you two!!" A voice called out to them from nearly far away.
A figure seperated from the principally invisible wall. A black shade (??)!! Two hands formed out of the shade and seemed to be dusting itself.
"Eh sorry, this white stuff always seems to get stuck to me," said the shade and extended a hand forward.
Before Max could say yes or no (a no was more likely), a dark haunting music started to play, followed by a deep brooding voice
Take the highway to the end of the night
End of the night, end of the night
Take a journey to the bright midnight
End of the night, end of the night
Gosh! Max was really spooked by the song combined with his eerie surroundings. Pop...Wheels popped out below Emem and it started to move forward along, the only direction possible I suppose. Max quietly followed the tin can. The song kept repeating again and again, and Max had gotten used to the sudden jump in the voice at a particular part of the song, which had at first spooked him.
However, little did these two know that they were being closely watched and followed by another strange wanderer, a shade actually, not of the colour blue, but black rather. But it would be unfair on my part to divulge his intentions at this stage.
So after some time, which wasn't that long at all, maybe around 59 minutes of walking in the only direction possible, sometimes going up, sometimes down, sometimes curving to the left, and sometimes to the right, they arrived at a door. A very ordinary looking worn down wooden door, on the right side of the corridor.
"Don't be surprised at the size of this place. It keeps expanding as new memories come in." Emem informed Max.
"How come I lost my memories?"
"Emmmm! Well that happens sometimes, you feel a little foggy right? They will fix up that fog and you will be out of here in no time. Ok now, turn that knob."
Max nodded, and slowly turned the rusted metal knob. The door opened with a mild creak, and Lo Presto! They stood in a gigantic hall !! Which apparently had no walls. And also happened to be completely empty. A hollow sound of wind was audible, but there was no wind blowing inside. Max looked left, looked right, looked up and then straight at Emem. Emem did exactly the same as well. So now they were staring at each other without a clue as to what had happened.
"Quite a big place," Max said sarcastically.
"I don't understand, this is where the memories are supposed to be. This is an anomaly."
"Anomaly ganomaly, I want my memories right now," Max broke down and thumped into the ground.
Somethings happen in life for a apparent reason. Others happen for no apparent reason. And yet there are some other things that happen which are not even closely related to the farthest cousin of Reason. Those are the things that actually run this galaxy and the universe and all of us. Would that imply fate? Nope, Fate is actually an old man that does have a room in this corridor, and all he does is circulate rumours. This other power is far stronger and it at work even as you are reading this stupid little paragraph.
You've got to get yourself together
You've got stuck in a moment and now you can't get out of it
Don't say that later will be better now you're stuck in a moment
And you can't get out of it
Emem's emergency response to this critical situation was resulting in a song blaring in this huge hall, and the sound was reverberating in the hall, making it more so unbearable.
"STOP ITTTTTT," screamed Max with his hands on his ears.
Silence. Complete silence.
Shhhhhhhh.... a strange sound from nowhere. Shhhhhhhhhh..... some more sound. Max thought he must be imagining sounds now.
More mysterious things in this strange land. Now I am thinking what isnt mysterious in this land? I bet even Max is wondering where this story is leading? Does the writer have any idea how is he going to pull this off. I assure you he doesnt.
Anyway, so Max looked at Emem for the origin of this sound. Emem shrugged his shoulders as to say - 'That wasn't me boss' (oh yes he has tiny little shoulders that can be shrugged).
"Hey you two!!" A voice called out to them from nearly far away.
A figure seperated from the principally invisible wall. A black shade (??)!! Two hands formed out of the shade and seemed to be dusting itself.
"Eh sorry, this white stuff always seems to get stuck to me," said the shade and extended a hand forward.
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