Tuesday, April 01, 2008

The Traveller Lost - Part II

(refer Part I for the starting)

"Oh oh, that's a big problem," Emem said in deep thought.

"Is it?" Max had no clue as to what a big problem was.

"SECTOR 5!!!!"

"Sector 5????"

"Yes! Sector 5!! That's where we have to go."

"What's Sector 5."

"You seriously don't know what Sector 5 is??"

Max was extremely annoyed at this question. First of all he was here stuck in a world (if you would choose to call it that) that seemed completely alien, and he was in the company of a creature he was sure he hadn't witnessed before, even if his memory came back, and on top of that he was continuously being asked rhetorical questions.

He drew a deep breath and said, "Look can't you just answer my questions."

"That would be appropriate, would'nt it. I'll take note of that."

As animatedly as Max had taken in the breath, he deflated - "Thank youuuuu."

"Sector 5 is where the memories are stocked, that's where we should go. We'll just have to report a case of missing memories and everything should be fixed in no time."

"You know, thats the first sensible thing I've heard all mor..... wait..... is it morning or night ....waitt.... what's morning or night like?"

Emem spun his head in a complete 360, twice actually, "You know I'm just a simple music playing machine, but now I wish I had got that degree on human stuff. You want to hear a song on night to get an idea of what's it like?"

Before Max could say yes or no (a no was more likely), a dark haunting music started to play, followed by a deep brooding voice

Take the highway to the end of the night
End of the night, end of the night
Take a journey to the bright midnight
End of the night, end of the night

Gosh! Max was really spooked by the song combined with his eerie surroundings. Pop...Wheels popped out below Emem and it started to move forward along, the only direction possible I suppose. Max quietly followed the tin can. The song kept repeating again and again, and Max had gotten used to the sudden jump in the voice at a particular part of the song, which had at first spooked him.

However, little did these two know that they were being closely watched and followed by another strange wanderer, a shade actually, not of the colour blue, but black rather. But it would be unfair on my part to divulge his intentions at this stage.

So after some time, which wasn't that long at all, maybe around 59 minutes of walking in the only direction possible, sometimes going up, sometimes down, sometimes curving to the left, and sometimes to the right, they arrived at a door. A very ordinary looking worn down wooden door, on the right side of the corridor.

"Don't be surprised at the size of this place. It keeps expanding as new memories come in." Emem informed Max.

"How come I lost my memories?"

"Emmmm! Well that happens sometimes, you feel a little foggy right? They will fix up that fog and you will be out of here in no time. Ok now, turn that knob."

Max nodded, and slowly turned the rusted metal knob. The door opened with a mild creak, and Lo Presto! They stood in a gigantic hall !! Which apparently had no walls. And also happened to be completely empty. A hollow sound of wind was audible, but there was no wind blowing inside. Max looked left, looked right, looked up and then straight at Emem. Emem did exactly the same as well. So now they were staring at each other without a clue as to what had happened.

"Quite a big place," Max said sarcastically.

"I don't understand, this is where the memories are supposed to be. This is an anomaly."

"Anomaly ganomaly, I want my memories right now," Max broke down and thumped into the ground.

Somethings happen in life for a apparent reason. Others happen for no apparent reason. And yet there are some other things that happen which are not even closely related to the farthest cousin of Reason. Those are the things that actually run this galaxy and the universe and all of us. Would that imply fate? Nope, Fate is actually an old man that does have a room in this corridor, and all he does is circulate rumours. This other power is far stronger and it at work even as you are reading this stupid little paragraph.

You've got to get yourself together
You've got stuck in a moment and now you can't get out of it
Don't say that later will be better now you're stuck in a moment
And you can't get out of it

Emem's emergency response to this critical situation was resulting in a song blaring in this huge hall, and the sound was reverberating in the hall, making it more so unbearable.

"STOP ITTTTTT," screamed Max with his hands on his ears.

Silence. Complete silence.

Shhhhhhhh.... a strange sound from nowhere. Shhhhhhhhhh..... some more sound. Max thought he must be imagining sounds now.

More mysterious things in this strange land. Now I am thinking what isnt mysterious in this land? I bet even Max is wondering where this story is leading? Does the writer have any idea how is he going to pull this off. I assure you he doesnt.

Anyway, so Max looked at Emem for the origin of this sound. Emem shrugged his shoulders as to say - 'That wasn't me boss' (oh yes he has tiny little shoulders that can be shrugged).

"Hey you two!!" A voice called out to them from nearly far away.

A figure seperated from the principally invisible wall. A black shade (??)!! Two hands formed out of the shade and seemed to be dusting itself.

"Eh sorry, this white stuff always seems to get stuck to me," said the shade and extended a hand forward.

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