Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Uncommon Sense (Sigh!)

Here we go again. Maybe I have been criticizing others a lot during the past 1-2 weeks. It's got me in a fierce flared up mood.

So, here is what gets me ticked off - LACK OF COMMON SENSE. It's supposed to be common right? Or am I being a snob? Maybe yeah, I was telling myself to back off a bit, and be a little more polite, cos life has this funny way of saying BOOYA, IN YOUR FACE.

Ahhh common sense! Or rather the lack of it. It just infuriates me. Maybe it shouldn't. Because common sense is uncommon. But then, it sounds common, so I take it to be common. So if people applied half their brains then they would get all the answers to their problems. (See I am being a jerk again! I am even writing like a jerk now!)

But geez, I am in such a fierce mood to not forgive. It's been bad actually. Last 1-2 weeks. Since this mood kicked in. I don't really know where I get this idea that somehow I am smarter than most people I meet. But its this jerky attitude thats really alienating me from most people.

But its nothing new in my head. I have had it forever, as far as I remember. I never really had friends. And the ones I had wouldn't last for long. It was always because my best friend was my ownself. So, no one else could meet up to those expectations. I know I am pathetic too. But I don't know what creeped in. But then people around me have lately shown very little sense. So, I have ended up telling them that exactly. Sometimes not really politely. Sometimes my tone has been insulting.

Damn! So, I am this idiotic snob (just the thing I wished I hadnt become), who doesnt have friends, cos most of the time he thinks he smarter than other people. What a JERK! Sounds like a big one to me. So, would you rather have me dumber?

I ain't a genius, but I ran across a nice little article :


Geniuses differ from learned people. Education is an accomplishment, and it will open doors, but it doesn't do much for a person's 'uncommon sense.' Education, for the most part, has been reduced to knowing which answer goes on which line. Amongst the throngs of people who now have that piece of paper that tells the world 'this person knows which answer goes on which line' and those who do not, are some people whose thought power is so much greater than common that they can describe things that will boggle the minds of the others without trying to boggle their minds.

Maybe, you don't need to discover that E=MC2 to be a genius. But then maybe I could be stretching it. Geez, I should delete this post, lest someone think I am narcissistic.

Yeah I know I aint a genius, but this article has some notable points to look at.

P.S.- Or maybe I am just going crazy. Shit, its really kicking in. This craziness. It's just running all over my mind. I am running out of people to talk to or call, so I come here to babble. Maybe this blog will throw me out too....

Random After Thought : Lest I forget, we write to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospection. I just re read my first post. It sounds really good.

Not so Random After After Thought : I google everything these days, EVERYTHING! Even what people say, or what I think. FYR, I just googled - sgcray is an asshole! There should be no after thought today after this, I hope.

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