Saturday, March 06, 2010

Runaway Bride.....

I am not engaged any more. I finally said no this morning. Those were 2 hellish weeks.

I really recommend that arranged marriage is not for the soft hearted. It just didn't work out for me. I just couldn't imagine the rest of my life with that person. Maybe the feeling was mutual. It just felt like one big family happy making compromise. I am sorry I had to be selfish and break it off.

There was a lot of drama. There would be much more in the coming days. The girls parents would probably come down and shout at us. I think they are justified. I think I was an idiot in saying yes. But I am really relieved now.

This puts off my wedding for an year atleast. I now understand how big a commitment marriage is. And its not meant for me right now. I really hope that the girl forgets me quite quickly. And she finds someone really soon. I feel for her, but sometimes its best to be selfish, if you wanna live your life.

I was losing myself there for a time. But I am glad I finally pulled through. It just cleared my mind up a little bit too. I can now look for jobs outside Delhi. I think I ought to try just once more. Don't you think so?

Runaway Bride is an awesome movie too. People around here don't understand the fear marriage can cause. But I really vouch for it. Marriage is on hell of a thing, and you should only do it if you are 100% convinced about it.

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